Alexander Manolev

Alexander Manolev

Alexander Manolev holds a Master‘s degree in Economics from The University College London, Great Britain. He has specializations in Bulgaria and abroad, amongst which: “Management of Structural Projects of the EU”, “Business Communications and Media Relations”, “Investments in Emerging Markets”, etc.

He commenced his professional career in the National Association of the Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, where he was responsible for the development of projects for European financing. He worked in the sphere of marketing and he has occupied positions at medium and superior managerial level in a number of companies in telecommunication, finance and defense sector.

Speaks English, Spanish and Greek languages.

  • Date of birth:28 April 1976
  • Education:University College London


"Management of Structural Projects of the EU”

European Commission, Budapest

"Business Communications and Media Relations”

University College London

„Investments in Emerging Markets"

J.P. Morgan, London

Political career:

Appointed as Deputy Minister of Tourism of The Republic of Bulgaria in 2015

In 2016 he undertook the management of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance

Elected as a Member of Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria in March 2017 with the third highest personal votes in the country

Appointed as Deputy Minister of Economy in May 2017 in charge with foreign investments in the country and national Weapon Export Control commission. Took part in the negotiations with the Government of USA and Lockheed Martin for the Investment Project "New type of combat aircraft acquisition" for Bulgarian Army