At the initiative of Alexander Manolev in 2017 a Memorandum for the construction of an Industrial zone – Sandanski was signed between the National Company “Industrial Zones” and the Municipality of Sandanski.
This is a project that, according to many experts, has huge potential. This industrial zone will be located:
– 500 km. from 9 European capitals and the largest city in Europe – Istanbul.
– 2 hours drive / or about 170 km. from the economic centers:
- To Bulgaria – Sofia;
- In northern Greece – Thessaloniki;
- To the Republic of Northern Macedonia – Skopje.
It is located on the Pan-European Transport Corridor IV and is at the crossroads of two border checkpoints: with Greece and with the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
It can offer a highway connection to the port of Thessaloniki and is directly connected to the main railway line Sofia – Thessaloniki.
An additional plus for the project is the forthcoming completion of the Struma Motorway, which will allow for a quick connection with Sofia, Belgrade and Western Europe.