In 2017, on the initiative of Alexander Manolev, the “Children of Sandanski” campaign was launched. The initiative aims to highlight and encourage children who have shown talent, won prestigious places in Bulgaria and abroad and to encourage others to follow in their footsteps.
In its first edition, awards were given to children and young people from the Мunicipality of Sandanski who have achieved significant results in competitions or contests in the field of science, sports or art. For the official award ceremony in Sandanski was the world star in professional boxing Daisy Lang.
In 2018, the initiative was addressed to all children from the Municipality of Sandanski. In the last week before the Christmas holidays (December 14 – 20), there was a movie screening every day, where children and young people from the Municipality of Sandanski entered completely free of charge. The only condition was to prove with a document (ID card, student book, notebook, etc.) that they are not more than 18 years old and that they were born, study or attend kindergarten/school in the Municipality of Sandanski.
Hundreds of children are covered by the initiative, which has the ambition to continue to develop and build.